Happy New You!

Every year on January 1st, thousands of people embark on spiritual and fitness renewals. Some call them resolutions, some call them goals, but regardless of what you call it the New Year is a time when many of us make the decision to change.  If that is where you are right now, I say Happy New You! The Word declares that God will do a new thing in Isaiah 43:19. It says,

“Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

So if you are ready to make a change, God is ready to assist you.  However, there are some things that you must do to ensure your success. These three things will put you on the road to permanent change that will create the “New You”!


Without a written plan you are planning to fail. There is something about putting your goals in written form that makes them concrete in our minds. The bible says to write the vision and make it plain… In other words, keep it simple. You don’t have to write a dissertation. Just take a few moments to clarify what you want to accomplish and how long you plan for it to take you to reach completion.


Life is so much more fun with a friend.  Get a “Power Partner”! Someone you can pray with and exercise with.  Someone who you know wants what’s best for you but will keep you accountable to your goals and to God.  It’s easy to look at your spouse if your married, and want them to be that person.  However, keep in mind sometimes they are not and we need to pray and reach out to the person that God lays on our heart for this role in this season.  Once you have your partner, you need to communicate your needs. What do you expect them to do and what are you capable of doing for them.  If you are not a morning person, don’t agree to get up at 5am for prayer and a workout, unless this is an area that God is working on in you and you need someone to hold you accountable to doing it.  Understand though, that your partner has to know this ahead of time to be fair to both of you.  Make sure that you and your Power Partner communicate well and have an open heart.


What are you going to accomplish this year? Whatever it is you must start with prayer.  Pray for direction. Pray for clarity.  Pray for commitment. Faith without works is dead.  But your faith will also be dead without prayer.  Prayer is our direct line to God. It is the way we receive the power to do the things that God wants us to do.  Prayer gives us the confidence to accomplish seemingly impossible tasks.  Once you pray, it is time to perform. You must step out on the faith that God has given you through His Word.  Whatever He has put in your heart to do, you can do it!

One thought on “Happy New You!

  1. I feel connection is key for me this year. I want to connect with God, connect with others and connect with my community. Praying through connection it will be my best year, yet.

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