Welcome to the LIFE

Welcome to the LIFE! After much prayer and thought, I had to make the hard decision to delete the old FitFaith Life and start fresh! Renewal is a good thing! I am happy to bring great new posts, lots of energy and most of all to share great faith and fitness information with you!

For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

So what will be the same and what will change? You will still receive the same great recipes, workouts and inspirational posts. What has changed is really my perspective. I realize that this LIFE is not really about me but it’s all about the life of Christ in me. So, I am going to bring to you the best interviews, workouts, product reviews, and more!


FitFaith Life is YOUR virtual coach for faith and fitness. I really believe that this life is more of a movement than just a lifestyle. God wants us to be healthy and whole. He wants us to live a life free from disease and he wants us to have the strength and fortitude to serve Him. He also wants a real relationship with us, not just lip service. His love for us knows no bounds and FitFaith Life is all about embracing that love. The ultimate goal is for you to embrace a culture of fierce faith and fierce fitness that will transform the way you view your relationship with God and with yourself.

When you know who you are and whose you are this life is a blessing. I hope you will go along with me on this journey! Are YOU READY to LIVE the LIFE?

One thought on “Welcome to the LIFE

  1. This is awesome sister! Praise the Lord for LIFE in Christ and that it overflows into every single part of our life and being!

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